Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Business Management ( Organizational Behavior ) Essay

Business Management ( Organizational Behavior ) - Essay Example I would show this trait to my boss by making myself indispensable in every difficult situation and by saying â€Å"It’s difficult but it will be taken care of† rather than â€Å"no it is impossible†. Vision: It is necessary that the leader should have the exposure, industry insight and knowledge of what other industry members are doing in similar situations in other parts of the world. This is required in order to be successful and keep the edge as compared to the competitors. For this purpose, I would visit all industry events including seminars, conferences, and exhibitions all over the world in order to keep myself updated and to be able to bring the new technology being practiced successfully in other countries to my organization. Role Model: In a leadership position, one should understand, that you should have personality traits including personal values, ethics and morals and a code of conduct that the other people in the organization and the publics outside the organization including vendors, shareholders, society and government officials not only find acceptable but also such that are desired in a person on the top. In other words, it’s not only your talent and work that matters but also your moral values and ethics that will win you a place at the top by inspiring others. To show this trait, I will strictly keep my religious views to myself, but understand the beliefs of everyone else and will avoid displaying controversial behavior in public including alcoholism, public demonstration of affection and irresponsibility especially in the office and at public areas. Networking: for any organization to be successful, it is necessary that the people leading it should have the necessary contacts and presence in the social and industry circles. To demonstrate this, I will have membership and an important role in industry or trade associations, network with the relevant Government

Monday, February 10, 2020

Marijuana should be legalized in the united states Essay

Marijuana should be legalized in the united states - Essay Example Diseases like nausea, vomiting, glaucoma etc can be treated effectively with marijuana. Moreover, it can be used a pain reliever, hunger stimulant etc. Even though marijuana has good potential in medical science, it has not achieved the status of a medicine yet in America. FDA has not shown green signal to marijuana yet. It is still included in the list of drugs which are misused for changing moods rather than treating diseases. Roth (2008) has pointed out that â€Å"To date, marijuana is still classified as an illegal Schedule 1 drug by the Controlled Substances Act. It is defined as having "no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" (Roth). This paper argues in favor of legalization of marijuana in United Sates, after analyzing the arguments in favor and against it. Pundits like Fox Newss Glenn Beck and former judge Andrew Napolitano have joined in the debate, on the pro-legalization side. "You know what, I think its about time we legalize marijuana. Hear me out for a second†¦" Beck told viewers in April. "We have to make a choice in this country. We have to either put people who are smoking marijuana behind bars, or we legalize it. But this little game were playing in the middle is not helping us, and is causing massive violence on our southern border." Even Sarah Palin, whos opposed to legalization, has called pot a relatively "minimal problem," telling Fox Business Network this summer, "I think we need to prioritize our law-enforcement efforts. And if somebodys gonna smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody else harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems that we have in society"(Conant and Maloney) Neither the administration, nor the judiciary has any ideas about what to do with the issue of legalization of marijuana. Instead of conducting a pilot study to learn more about the pros and cons of marijuana use, the